To Be Close To Him

Nothing got done today. Dishes fill the sink and the counter. Bills and medical insurance claims sit untouched. There is no dinner simmering. No cleaning being done. No laundry being washed. No projects getting worked on.I simply haven't had time or energy. Or hands.

Our baby likes to be held.  All the time.  All. The. Time.  Day and night.

He loves to have his nose snuggled against my skin.  He loves his ear next to my heart beat.  He loves my arms wrapped around him. He loves to curl against my warmth and sleep.  My arms are his favorite place.

I am inspired by this small life.  This little one's desire to be held close.

I want to be like that.

I want to be like Mary who let everything else go to simply sit at her Lord's feet. I want to be like the woman who braved a room of judgment to wash Jesus' feet with her tears. I want to be like Moses who risked life itself to pursue God's presence. I want to be like the shepherds who ignored social class restrictions to see their Savior.  I want to be like the disciples who dropped their nets and followed Him.

There are a lot of things that need my attention each day. Work. Family. Chores. Friends. Community. Bills. The list goes on and on. But today this crying babe is reminding me that there is one thing that trumps all others. There is One relationship that puts everything else in the right perspective and balance.

Today I'm being reminded that life can pile up around me and end up crowding out the most important thing.  I want to want to be close to Yahweh. To choose to curl into His arms.  To turn from the busyness of life and press my ear to His heart beat.  To daily drink His Living Water. To purposefully carve out time to sit in His presence. Like nothing else matters. Because, truly, nothing matters more.

Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. (Psalm 68:19 NLT)

(P.S. To the inventor of the Moby wrap. My arms and back and sanity THANK YOU.)


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